Final Slog

5 Apr

So for my final slog I will be talking about the final question in the assignment. But before I do that, I overall thought that the assignment was pretty good, pretty easy, way easier than the other one’s. Anyways, for the fifth question on the assignment, I was pretty confused, because first off, the fact that you take a function say its computable make a non computable function computable and then say because you made the non-computable function computable with another function, that other function is non-computable. Thats just a bit weird, I understand it, but its still kinda weird. Moving on, so then you take this function that you assumed to be computable and then you write halt with it, so what i did was just call f(I) with another function and then put an if True after it, so that if f(I) halts, the if True will execute, and otherwise it wont, and then I called it using true that on that if statement, which in my head works, but then again, true_that is kinda like a halt function in itself, so it was kinda unclear to me if true_that tested if the if statement was true, or if it wasn’t, or if it tested if it actually reached there, but whatever, my function does it in both cases so it doesn’t really matter. Then once I wrote everything out I was pretty confused as to how to write the actual proof, so luckily I had my TA, who explained it well in tutorial, so I was able to kinda figure out what I had to do to actually put it in a proof. However I found it kind of weird how you were doing a proof structure with normal text and then with code, like indenting and all that, but I guess that will come up a lot.

On a general note of the course, I actually quite liked it, however I wish I took it more seriously in the beginning, and wished I hadn’t screwed up the first two assignments, but hopefully my slogs and my last assignment make up for it. Also i’m actually pretty excited for the continuation of this course next year, because this was fun in the end and it helps a lot with programming and thinking about things from different perspectives. Slog’s I didn’t really find that helpful, because me, I’m not a big writer, so this was a huge burden to get it out every week, and I learnt more through reading and learning from my mistakes rather than talking about it with a keyboard, also elaborating in words also isn’t really a strong suit of mine, so I couldn’t really go into depth on a lot of things, cause I’m not that capable of doing that. But great course, fun time, and looking forward to more of this next year

Week 10

30 Mar

Reaching double digits on the slogs wooo, So this week I started Assignment 3, so this was pretty straight forward, question 1 was just like the tutorial questions, question 2, was same as 1, but with theta, so still straightforward, but one of the things I ran into was the fact that something could be in both big oh and big theta, which made sense, but at the same time was also kind of confusing to me, but whatever c’est la vie. Question 3 I ran into some issues, it had a ln, which kinda screwed me up because the limit techniques from calculus seem too complicated to put it in a proof, but I was able to do it by using a pretty complicated c, i had it for ((15ln(n))/(n/3), for a n thats bigger than 3, so that way it would always be a positive real number (because 3 is bigger than e, like the natural e). This worked out because then both statements were equal to each other and that satisfies the definition of theta, the only thing is that I was a bit unsure of was if I was allowed to use n in my c, but I thought to myself, why not, its a natural number, so that means that c will be closed into the set of real numbers and decimals don’t matter so why not. So with that method I was able to solve it but really only with that. Question 4 was weird, because you had to prove another claim in order to disprove the current claim, so it was a bit weird, but whatever it worked out just fine. Also I really dislike disproving, because its so much harder to deal with for all’s rather than there exists, because its pretty much a proof in itself. Also multiplying inequalities also kinda confuse me, but once again you just have to deal with it and move on. Haven’t done question 5 yet, but I guess thats what Ill write about next week, in the final slog.

Week 9

23 Mar

This week there wasn’t that much to talk about, so I decided to read other’s slogs, and I found that a lot of other people are treating it kinda like how I am, like a blog, and I also noticed that a lot of people are not updating their slog’s that much. I did however find one that I found pretty helpful, and that was, because I felt like it actually went into detail on some questions and really analyzed  things, it was a good read. Especially the articles on the diagonal problem , those are really in depth and expanded on so much. Shows a lot of work and dedication. Also another thing, is that its pretty hard to navigate through the slogs, because a lot only have one or two posts on them.

Week 8

16 Mar

The midterm went really well, I felt that it was pretty straight forward, and I felt really prepared for it, to practice I did a lot of previous midterms and practiced from that. Once again I wish they did have tutorials the week of the tests, because they help so much.

Week 7

9 Mar

I feel so overwhelmed, the assignment was absolutely impossible, I didn’t answer the last question, I had to do the proof structures for question 1, 2, 3, 5, the only one I think I did well on is 4, and barely so, unfortunately I’m really busy this week so I’ll go into detail on this at a later time, probably in my week 8 post, but once again I feel like i’m going to have to step up my game by a lot to even think about passing next week’s midterm

Week 6

2 Mar

Still don’t understand why this site is the cat’s pyjama, but that’s wordpress for you. Don’t have much to say about this week, tutorial was the same as always, I’m not really getting the stuff all that much, until the TA explains it then I’m good, I think I did badly on the quiz though. In the lectures I got really confused, first off, I really don’t know why were doing all these graphs, they don’t seem to explain much or simply things, I like it much better off when we stick to the logic language or english. Second, disproving really confused me, in the slides he says that to disprove something you try to prove that it implies the negative, when in the course notes, it says that you try to prove the negation of the whole statement, I’ll ask my TA next week. But other than that a pretty quiet week in terms of 165

Week 5

16 Feb

This week was low key, no assignments or tests that week, so I kinda took it easy, tutorial problems were a bit tough, and our group couldn’t really figure it out, but eventually we got the proof structure down with the help of the TA, we didn’t have enough time to get to the second part, the part actually about proving it, but the TA explained it well, so I got the gist of it. The lectures we were shown non-boolean functions, and those were kinda weird, but I’ll review it some more and then when I get my head around it I’m sure it will be easy. One thing that scared me was seeing limits, I absolutely hate limits, and I really hope they wont occur on any tests or anything like that. Also I’m really unsure on what this ploya problem solving thing were supposed to do is, but Im sure ill figure it out.

Week 4

9 Feb

To my luck I went to tutorial this week and then found out that there was none, so instead I did a lot of previous midterms and I fount that the solutions to those helped a lot, unfortunately Danny hasn’t been teaching every year, so for most of them they look a bit different than what he is expecting, but I still felt prepared going into the exam. Day of the exam I completely forgot that we were allowed to have a cheat sheet, but in the end it didn’t matter I felt absolutely amazing about the test and I’m very confident that I got 100% on the first and third question. We also started proofs in class, and this is starting to look better than what we were doing before.

Week 3

2 Feb

This week was the week of the assignment, this assignment I think I failed, I felt throughout the entire thing that everything could have multiple answers, but I knew that there was only 1 right answer. The questions where you had to translate logic into english and english into logic, I found that there were so many ways you could write it, and I think that I wrote the wrong ones in so many of the cases. For question 4, when I first read all of the options, I thought that all of them implied the statement, and the statement implied all the options, Im still having a lot of trouble with implications, I really don’t like them. Also for question 3 part a, where it says exactly one, I had absolutely no clue what to do, from my recollection of the lectures, the only things I know how to write are there exists, and all. Looking it up online I found that you can do the there exists sign followed by an exclamation mark, but ill probably get points off for doing that. I still feel very lost in this class, because everything seems to work, but at the same time doesn’t work, it just really confuses me, thank god for the tutorials, if it weren’t for the TA and his detailed explanations of the tutorial problems, I would have gotten 0 on the assignment. I really enjoy the tutorials it makes everything much simpler since your in a smaller room with less people, theres more one on one time. Not to say I don’t enjoy the lectures, because I do, I just find them less personal and thus harder to understand. For next week I’m really going to have to step up my game, and get a good mark on this midterm because if the assignment was that hard I cant imagine what the midterm is going to be like.

Week 2

26 Jan

This week I was sick, so I missed most of the lectures and  the tutorial, but looking at the tutorial problems and doing them on my own, at the beginning I found it really hard to do the problems, but looking at them a bit more and looking over the course materials and lecture slides, I began to piece together everything and figure it out. But some of the problems like “Some courses have several prerequisites.” or “No course has more than two prerequisites.” I never would have gotten on my own, due to still being new to all of this and the logic language being weird and unfamiliar, especially with implications. I never know when to do implications or when to do and’s or or’s. This is still a bit confusing to me, but I’m sure with more practice I will get better at it.